Another amazing colossal failure of a real estate purchase.
I continually shake my head in disgust and absolute amazement at what is being revealed by all of this - greed, greed, greed...ignorance...I don't know. I guess I'm just a bitter renter (with no debt - ha!)
Another T.S. notice filed on 02/27/08 in the Amador Ledger-Dispatch.
- 11656 New York Ranch Road Jackson CA 95642
- Deed of Trust recorded May 25, 2007
- Notice of Sale is: $747,339.77
WhoBoughtWhat has the last sale recorded as $940k. Apparently, the only ones that profited on this were the sellers and the real estate agents. That is a heck of a commission - at 6% that is just about $56k. Wow! Good work if you can get it.
But, wouldn't you know it, NexTag has the value currently at $893k, which, as they say is -$47k "appreciation". I'm sorry, wouldn't that be depreciation? Whatever. Of course, that was as of 12/23/07, so it might have changed a bit since then. Uh...lower, I believe.
Now, check this out. Currently, it appears that the home is for sale (imagine that) for $899k through Sondra Ammons.
However, according to this link, Sondra already sold this once before: Sold for $940k. Will she double dip? Like I said, great work if you can get it.
But, I am not sure if this is an old link or what. It could be...and we don't want to cast any disparaging judgments toward somebody if we don't have all of the facts. So, for now, I will say that this is probably an old link.
Regardless, if you want the real deal (right) you need to get a hold of Thomas Blackman. He's got it listed at $799k.
Will the real steal/deal place stand up?
Woo-hoo! New posting!
The house on New York Ranch was the target of a relatively large pot bust last year. I believe it was purchased for full asking price in a down market back in late 2006 or early 2007.
Here's the article in the Ledger-Dispatch: Another Pot Bust
Thanks for the insight ratlab.
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