Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Busted, Again...

As a follow up to the article, What the Hey?, ratlab has sent an interesting piece by the Amador Ledger Dispatch - Another pot bust. It appears that the property at 11656 New York Ranch Road in Jackson may be the same one highlighted in a rather large and industrious Cannabis agricultural project. I am sure it was strictly medicinal.

Well, I guess they went from one bust to another. I'm not sure what they were smoking at the time of the purchase or at the time of the first bust, but they may want to engage in their business product line to ease the pain on this second bust. Perhaps they thought the appreciation on their home would continue to get higher. Hey, I got a million of 'em...really, I'll be here all week...no, seriously.

If anyone has any additional information on this, please let us know.

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