Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Years Resolution - Pay Your Mortgage

With all of this “bubbly” talk about real estate, it appears that Amador County has also been feeling its share of the transition from the out of your mind price increases and "irrational exuberance" party to the "I should have sold sooner" regrets.

The denial of the inevitable hard landing in real estate prices and over-appreciation makes the entire ordeal a little more painful and drag on with every seller kicking and screaming along the way. There were those that cashed in early and got that last burst of sales from the few suckers left that were willing to part with their non-earned money and overly stretched credit. But I digress…

We will kick this thing off with a note about “Notice of Trustee's Sales” that seem to be shamelessly exposing themselves in some of the local newspapers. I will investigate further and provide some links and additional information regarding this when it is well researched.

From the future leading office of many home sales, let’s see what is shaking up on the steps of the Amador county Courthouse, 108 Court St. Jackson, CA.

The auction is beginning soon: Legal Notices Filed for Notice of Trustee's Sales

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