Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Update on Williams Repo...

Uh, do you have a broom or something?Well, who would've thunk it?

Here is a little update on that Williams Road pea-green, gem.

As predicted in the More Repos on the Way article, this darling of a shack was repo'ed and apparently no offers were fielded at the auction.

For all of those that want to know - yes, the inside looks as bad as the outside. What were you expecting, a marble tub with brass soap dispensers?

Anyway, for the last of the real estate lemmings that still think this is a deal and the market is about to change, you can now pick it up for less than the previous owner owed: $184,900. Which, if you do the math, is about $56k less than what they were begging for in April.

Otherwise, hang on…I’m betting on the very low $100s…perhaps the mid $90s.

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